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The Killers - 5 Music Videos

В торжестве выхода нового альбома The Killers с замечательным названием Wonderful Wonderful, мы решили пройти по тропе воспоминаний и выбрали 5 наших самых любимых клипов этих крутых ребят.

"Keep your ear to the shell"  

In celebration of The Killers and their recently released album Wonderful Wonderful, we've decided to go down memory lane and picked our top 5 ultimate favorite music videos.

Photo source: www.portugaltheman.com

5. The Killers — Spaceman

4. The Killers — Here With Me

3. The Killers — A Dustland Fairytale

2. The Killers — All These Things That I’ve Done

1. The Killers — When You Were Young