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The only rule we follow is 'come as you are'

since 2016

We focus on the universes within

Âught magazine is a platform that seeks and manifests the talented and masterly representatives of modern culture. We welcome marginal concepts and provocative methods of self-expression.

The only idol we worship is otherness

Our purpose is to avoid the repeated and customary portrayals of creators and artists. We desire to unveil the unexpected, and at times, the bizarre characteristics of their beings. We seek the peculiar, the odd, the witty, the absurd, yet we equally embrace the profound and the intellectual. We believe that even the smallest details affect one's vision of the world and thus are important to take into account.

We believe that there are entire universes inside every single one of us and these inner worlds are worth exploring. Essentially, we are social beings. We at Âught believe that we have to hear and appreciate the voices of others and challenge each other by asking deep or, at times, obscure questions - this way we grow and open space for new things. By joining our case you will be a part of uncovering stories and thoughts that make us unique, while we all flow in the realms of being human.

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